Order Repeat Prescription (No Log in Needed)
You can order your repeat prescriptions online using the Patient Access website. All prescriptions will be ready for collection at your nominated pharmacy within 72 hrs . We usually aim for new script requests from a hospital letter or discharge letter to be ready within 7 days.
Alternatively if you do not have NHS app you can request via online service.

NHS App (NHS Account Needed)

Did you know you can manage repeat prescriptions from your surgery in the NHS App?
You can easily choose where your prescriptions are sent. So, if you know you’ll be away from home or you are moving home, you can change your nominated pharmacy from within the app.
You can also order your prescription at any time that suits you. There’s no need to wait to join a telephone queue or wait until the GP surgery opens.
It’s easy to use, and, if you hit a snag, you can go to ‘Help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit nhs.uk/helpmeapp.
Find out more about the NHS App at: www.nhs.uk/nhsapp
View Your Medical Record/Test Results/Immunisations

You can view parts of your GP record, including information about medication, allergies, vaccinations, previous illnesses, clinical correspondences and Test results if you have resgitered on NHS App. You may need to request access to view your medical records and test results.
Non-urgent advice: Note
If you have already registered for the GP surgery online services then skip this step by clicking “Login to Online Services” button above and you will be able to access your medical record and test results.